Portfolio Description
  • 0
  • November 19, 2022

Parliament Building at Central Vista, New Delhi

The new Parliament building will be the first purpose-designed Parliament building for India. It will house larger Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha halls, with capacities of 770 seats and 384 seats respectively. The Lok Sabha hall will also have additional capacity, up to 1140 seats, to host joint sessions. Along with essential facilities like committee rooms, major offices of the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, Lok Sabha Secretariat and Rajya Sabha Secretariat, the building will also include publicly accessible museum-grade galleries and exhibits.

The design of the new Parliament building will incorporate state-of-the-art infrastructure and technology to assist the Parliament’s functions. Furniture in the debating halls will include smart displays and biometrics for ease of voting with intuitive and graphical interface; digital language interpretation and recording infrastructure to produce real-time metadata; and programmable microphones.

Jhaveri Associates provided the Electrical and ICT services for this Project.
