The state of Gujarat has the distinction of having the country's lowest percentage of students choosing the Armed Forces as a career option.
The only Military School in the state was unfortunately damaged during the devastating Gujarat Earth Quake of 2001. In a rare gesture, the Prime Minister's Office offered to rebuild this school along with many other schools in Gujarat. This ga", the institution an opportunity to revamp its image to the layperson and its students. The Country's Anned Forces, besides carrying out a host of other activities, run 20 military schools spread all over the country. The primary intention here is to induce the students to join the Armed forces, by initiating them into the various Rigours and Rewards of Military life, both physically and mentally. Batachadl, the place where this school is situated, was a fonner retreat of Jam Sahib Digvijay Singh, the King of Jamnagar who in the year 1942 offered refuge to a ship full of Jews who had left Poland to escape annihilation. For the Pols, this place has remained a Symbol of Humanity since. The Design of the building attempts to negotiate this "'ry paradox of having the abo", dichotomy inbuilt into Its "'ry nature. From the onset, the exterior is a closed Shell, Bold and Uncompromising, which is the outside image of the Anned Forces- Opaque, Hard and Ruthless. While the inside court enclosure is built up of separate layers Ihat are Transparent, Porous and Colourful. The First Layer is a chequered grid that expresses Order - the overatl image of a Military Institution. The Second Layer is that of Soaring Columns that represent Courage that is undeterred under any circumstance. The Third Layer is a straight parapet. a definite Element that runs through the various ranks which Bonds them into a team- a single Entity. Beyond the layers are Folds. once inside these folds, the rigid Order melts and takes every turn to Accommodate the various spaces and functions. Sprinkled into theses folds are Elements of entrance and staircases, as if spurts of Celebration. All the layers happen well within the strong underfining Discipline expressed through a grid placed diagonally, manifested through the beams. Every gesture is Loyal to this grid. The grid has been tumed at 45 deg and this breaks the corridors into spaces, the classrooms break into courtyards and the facade from single dimension becomes layered with many facets highlighted by the penetrating sunlight. The two wings that make up the servces of the classrooms and the laboratories are joined by the Auditorium the 'Centre Stage', which negotiates the change in direction. Its stepped floor negotiates the already existing level difference in the ground which when extended outside becomes an open- air Amphitheatre. The materials are RCC and Brick with Sand faced plaster. All floors are finished in Kota stone and all fabrications is in Mild Steel in accordance with the nonns followed by all 100 schools taken up for construction under the Earthquake Relief Programme.